How do frogs reproduce: from mating to the first days of life

Як розмножуються жаби: від спарення до перших днів життя

Learn about how do frogs reproduce and the initial stage of their life cycle, which is common among these amphibians.

Spring marks the opportune moment for observing amphibians, as it signals the breeding season when they congregate near water bodies in search of a mate.

Throughout the winter, frogs and newts typically hibernate in compost heaps, stacks of dead wood, or at the bottom of ponds. However, as temperatures rise, they awaken and resurface.

How do frogs reproduce: from mating to the first days of life

During this period, local amphibians can be observed gathering near ponds to engage in mating rituals, initiating a new phase in their life cycle.

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How do Frogs Reproduce: Mating and Egg Laying

When amphibians come together, each male endeavors to court a female. In the case of frogs, males mount the females in shallow water, stimulating the females to lay eggs—sometimes up to 5,000 of them! The males promptly fertilize the eggs.

Conversely, in newts, courtship differs: males must display their worth by wagging their tails. If the female finds him satisfactory, she permits mating. The male then transfers a sperm-filled sac to the female, which she uses to fertilize her eggs. Subsequently, she lays up to 12 eggs daily, depositing them beneath the leaves of aquatic plants. Throughout the season, she can lay up to 400 eggs.

How do frogs reproduce: from mating to the first days of life / Photo:
How do frogs reproduce: from mating to the first days of life / Photo:

Hatching of Tadpoles

In all amphibians, eggs typically hatch within one to three weeks, depending on water temperature. Initially, the hatched tadpoles survive off residual yolk, but after several days, they require sustenance. Frog tadpoles consume plant matter, while newt tadpoles feed on microorganisms like freshwater plankton.

Young Amphibians Undergo Rapid Changes

Tadpoles undergo significant physiological transformations to adapt to land life, a process known as metamorphosis. External gills transition into internal ones, and lungs develop. Eventually, the gill structures disappear entirely. In frogs, this metamorphosis occurs earlier compared to newts. Limb formation also takes place during this phase, with hind limbs emerging first in frogs and forelimbs in newts.

While frogs continue to evolve and adapt to their changing environment, newts remain relatively stable.

Explore nearby forests with ponds or streams to observe these fascinating amphibians in their natural habitat.


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